The dark and immersive world of “Berserk,” a renowned dark fantasy comic series that has sold over 40 million copies, is authentically brought to life in this game. With stunning graphics, players will follow the intense quest for vengeance of the protagonist, Guts, as he engages in brutal combat alongside his allies. Experience the thrilling action of the “Warriors” series, combined with immense destructive power!
The core action of defeating hordes of enemies, a hallmark of the Warriors franchise, has been expertly adapted to fit the “Berserk” universe. Players will feel the rush of overwhelming foes as Guts wields his massive sword, the “Dragon Slayer,” employing powerful “Cleaving” and “Smashing” attacks. In the original series, Guts and his companions often find themselves in seemingly hopeless battles against swarms of enemies and monsters. This game allows players to unleash “overwhelming destructive power,” turning the tide with a single swing of their sword.